Titans of Technology​

Innovation Icon
Gearbox Guardians​
Bolt Benefactors
The Luna Family
The Hunt Family
The Ross Family
The Patrick Family
Sponsorship Levels
Titan of Technology ($5,000+)
- Permanent Hall of Fame member, displayed in our workshop.
- Up-to a dozen team T-shirts.
Innovation Icon ($2,500 - $4,999)
- Name and/or logo displayed on our team uniforms and robot.
- Featured in our team newsletter.
- Sponsor name listed on our Hall of Fame with recognition on our website.
Precision Pioneer ($1,000 - $2,499)
- Name and/or logo on our pit banner.
- Social media post.
Gearbox Guardian ($500 - $999)
- Logo on our website.
- Team photo.
- Social media shoutout.
Bolt Benefactor ($100 - $499)
- Name on website.
- Invitation to our regional event.
- Thank you letter from our team.